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Posts tonen met het label Trail Running. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 24 augustus 2016

Tromsø Sky Race 2016

Tussen mijn Lyngenavontuur en trekking in Sunnmøre verblijf ik een paar dagen in Tromsø (prima camping met ongelimiteerde douches!), waar de Tromsø Skyrace doorgaat. Er zijn verschillende mogelijkheden, namelijk de Blamann Vertical (2,7k / 1044hm), de Bøntuva tour-race (15k / 770hm), de Tromsdalstinden Skyrace (28k / 2000hm) en de Hamperokken Skyrace (53k / 4600hm). De routes variëren nogal in techniciteit. De meest technische is de Hamperokken, die voor een groot deel gelijk loopt met de wat eenvoudigere Tromdalstinden. Tromdalstinden wordt door de organisatie voorgesteld als een goede introductie tot "sky-running". Mijn ervaring met de Noorse bergen leert me ook dat ik ze best niet onderschat, dus kies ik de Tromdalstinden Skyrace voor mijn allereerste Noorse loopwedstrijd.


Tromdalstinden route

Nummertje en koebel afhalen en me afvragen of dit nu wel weer zo'n goed idee is
Vorig jaar begonnen de Hamperokken en Tromdalstinden bovenaan het skistationnetje van Fløya (rechteroever zeg maar), dit jaar vertrekken beide races in het centrum aan de haven, waarmee de brug tussen Tromsø en Krøken tweemaal overgestoken mag worden en het klimmen en afdalen naar het skistation er bij komt. Om 8u start de Hamperokken, en om 11u mag ik er zelf aan beginnen.
Het eerste deel (0-3) is asfalt, langs de haven, langs twee standbeelden van steeds streng kijkende held Roald Amundsen en de brug over tot je aan de klim naar het skistation komt. De baan is niet afgesloten, zodat er op de brug enkel op het voetpad gelopen mag worden, wat de inhaalmogelijkheden serieus beperkt. En gezien wat er me te wachten staat is dat misschien maar best ook.
Eens voorbij de Ishavskatedralen mag de pret beginnen. Een single trail (3-5) die klimt tot op 671hm waar de kabelbaan toekomt en waar ook de enige bevoorradingspost is (de Hamperokken heeft er nog eentje aan Breivikeidet). Clif bars, water en fruitgels, appelsienen en bananen, chips, chocoladecake en een juichend volkje. Alles wat je nodig hebt om gezwind een berg op te lopen dus.
Daarna is het fjellhoppen geblazen! Bergop en bergaf boven de boomgrens en over kort gras en mos, stenen en een smal pad, met mogelijkheden genoeg om daarbuiten te lopen en je benen los te laten. Vooral de afdalingen voelen aan als pure vrijheid en ik laat mij al lachend in goed Zweeds gezelschap lekker bollen. Wel steeds goed uitkijken voor enkelblessures. Na een volgende klim wordt het terrein steeds rotsachtiger en mistiger (12-15). Na 15km passeren we enkele enthousiaste Rød Kors medewerkers en wegwijzende vrijwilligers op de mistige, winderige, koude, kortweg Noorse top van Tromsdalstinden. Het enige verplichte materiaal is een windstopper, die hier zeker geen overbodige luxe is. Ook blij dat ik twee buffs bijheb. Goed doorlopen om warm te blijven, maar dat is geen evidentie op dit rotsige terrein.

De top van Tromdalstinden

Na de top begint het meer technische gedeelte van de trail, een afdaling van 2k over blokkenvelden, wat ik duidelijk niet gewoon ben. Terwijl ik mij geconcentreerd al lopend / strompelend / wandelend een weg zoek doorheen het blokkenveld (de Zweed waarmee ik naar de top gelopen ben, heb ik alvast niet kunnen bijhouden) word ik langs alle kanten voorbijgehuppeld door vrolijke Noren en Norinnen. Op een bepaald ogenblik vliegt ook Tom Owens, de uiteindelijke winnaar van de Hamperokken, mij in datzelfde blokkenveld voorbij aan een snelheid die ik eigenlijk niet voor mogelijk hou op dit terrein. Zien is geloven, maar toch. Tijdens de steile afdaling komen we terug onder de wolken waardoor we zicht krijgen op het Tromsdal. Te mooi om niet te pauzeren en een fotootje te nemen, maar het lopen is hier veel te leuk om niet te willen vliegen (nu ja, er is nog wel wat werk aan mijn techniek om daarvan te kunnen spreken).

De afdaling met zicht op Tromsø
Na het blokkenveld is het steil afdalen op een steviger pad dat steeds zompiger wordt naarmate ik opnieuw dichter bij het skistation kom, waar ik onder luid ge-"heia-heia" en koebelgerinkel toekom. Toch een traantje wegpinken na die inspanning en gastvrijheid in zo'n weidse natuur. Ah, Norge, jeg elsker deg! Mijn plattelandsquads zijn van het vele afdalen behoorlijk moe maar laten me gelukkig niet in de steek. Het vervolg loop ik quasi alleen, terug naar beneden, de brug opnieuw over en langs de haven, waar ik (heia-heia!) na goed 4u34 op 33k over de finish loop. Niet meteen een podium-plaats, maar ik ben best tevreden met mijn tijd, hoewel dat er in zo'n terrein helemaal niet toe doet. De high-five en stralende lach van Emelie Forsberg (en een bakske pasta) krijg ik er gratis ende voor niks bij.

En volgend jaar? Hamperokken!

maandag 28 maart 2016

CdS and Snowdonia 2016

I was planning on writing this post on my recent trip to Snowdonia, but didn't know where to start. I think it's because this trip is part of a larger adventure in my life that combines running and hiking. I used to go running to be in proper shape to go hiking. But recently, the two have become so intertwined I can't really write a blog post on hiking and exclude the running. So, here it goes, the combination of Crêtes de Spa and Snowdonia.

A year ago, I joined my first trail run at Spa. I didn't just enjoy the muddy 21k in the Ardennes, but upon reflexion, I couldn't help the feeling something just fell into place. Trekking, hiking and trail-running have so much in common I found out I could take a mini-trip of one day on the trails, in which I experience much of the highs and lows I normally only feel during a multi-day trek. Prepare physically and mentally, check the route, make sure you can rely on your gear. Get tired, crash, pick yourself up and continue. "Are you having fun yet?" The feeling your body is stronger than ever before. Be in nature and in the Great Outdoors and be thankful for this.

Also, this (I hope it's ok by Mr. Oatmeal I copy this):

Needless to say, I continued running after that first experience on the trails. And I felt that the longer the trail, the richer the experience. So in between eating turkeys, getting presents and celebrating christmas and new-year, I just had to sit down and start planning properly.

As you can see on above official training schedule, I joined the Polar Bear Trail 25k in preparation of Crêtes de Spa, hoping the route would be snowy. Alas, plenty of mud and no snow, but a good opportunity to test my Injinji socks and Inov-8 Trailroc shoes. Both are awesome.

The next week, I joined Meerdaalwoudtrail 25k to experiment with the whole food-thing. The rice-balls with sweet potato are not something I would eat at home, but they are pretty tasty and very welcome when running, especially after several energy bars or gels. I have no defense against gummi-bears though, got to eat them all. Again, a muddy route with some classic scenes of people helping each other out of the mud, or walking around on their socks looking for their shoes that got stuck.

After some race experience on Polar Bear Trail and Meerdaalwoud, it was time for some proper reconnaissance, a weekend in Spa with my girlfriend. Running in the morning, soaking the mud of my legs in the thermes in the afternoon. There are worse ways of spending a weekend. Again, no opportunity to practice my snow-running skills, but, almost needless to say, plenty of mud.

At the start of 2016, this all seemed like plenty of preparation for my main goal. But I have to admit, with the date of Crêtes de Spa approaching, I got pretty nervous. I mean, 57k and 2096m elevation in snow and mud... It still did sound like a good experience though (I'm in doubt to call it "fun"). Because I couldn't sleep anyway, I didn't have any trouble to leave home at 5:30 to get to the registration in time. And there we were. Finally, off on a beautiful day, going up snowy ski-slopes, descending through the forest, munching away at the checkpoints... I realised only today I ran the last 2k with someone, cheering each-other on, but didn't put up the effort to pass him by. I think this is the main difference between road races and trail running. On the road I'm focused on time (not that I'm by any means a fast runner, I just do what needs to be done), whereas on trails I'm just happy of being out there and get to the finish line in one piece.

Of course, the days before the main event, snow fell down in Spa. As I never ran on snow before, I was a bit worried, but in the end it didn't pose much of a problem. The Trailrocs provide a very decent grip, although they're not specifically designed for this.

Going strong after 55k

The medal and the t-shirt
After surviving CdS, I went to Wales again. It seems to be becoming a tradition, taking the train to Conwy, sleeping somewhere halfway on the route to the Carneddau, crossing the Glyders and Snowdon, finding my way across the wild Rhinogs and descending to Barmouth. There I take the train to Llandovery to visit my sister and family (and take a bath to soak the mud of). Just like last year, I had ridiculously fine weather. Ok, so that first morning was pretty frosty, waking up in a frozen tent with frozen shoes after a night in which I even put my gloves on in an attempt to keep warm (one of those moments where I ask myself why on earth I put myself in this position). On the north slope of Drum, between Conwy and the Carneddau, you can see - I think - the Lake District, Anglesey and the Isle of Mann. That also means it is pretty exposed to everything that comes from the north, like cold winds. But around noon the fog lifted, the wind calmed down and the hills became welcoming and all was alright.

A frosty morning

Going up Drum, feeling like the King in the North
Every once in a while, I make some changes in the gear I take with me. Until last year, I have been mainly focused on lowering the weight, which created room for luxuries like a french press. But oh boy, fresh coffee does taste good in a place like this, tingly feet and all.

While I was enjoying my - probably the best in the world - cup of coffee, I saw two runners coming my way. Yes, trail- and ultra-running seems to be quite the thing these days. I had a very brief chat with them, just enough to learn they were on a run along the Welsh 3000s, which includes 15 peaks over 30 miles. If only I had my running gear with me, the idea sounds awesome. And the scenery, well, who wouldn't want to run in this? Free as a bird, high as a kite?

After crossing the Carneddau plateau from Conwy, I camped at the cwm beneath Pen yr Ole Wen, where I always feel very welcome. The next morning I woke up with the sun on my tent. I can't imagine a better reason for a sun salutation (which in my case is more like some stretch exercises). I would find it hard to believe the ancient druids didn't know this place.

The next day, there were some clouds at ±700m when going up the Glyders, just enough to make you feel the height and enjoy the moment you leave them below, with awesome views all around.

The Llyn Ogwen valley in Snowdonia is used pretty often for military practice flights. The jets pass by too quickly for me to capture them on camera, but I was able to take a picture of the slower bombers (well, the second one).

Next up was Snowdon. I went up along the Pyg track again (one day I might do Crib Goch) in pretty wintery conditions. Wind, snow, fog and the highest summit of Wales make for a nice combination.

Looking back on the last bit of the ascent
Everytime I take the same foggy picture, but one day I will get the view!
The descent along the Watkin path. Steep and snowy with very limited visibility
Once you get south of Snowdon, the whole world seems to change. Less paths, less people, less mountainous and more remote. As long as I don't read The Hound of the Baskervilles I should be fine there. It was a bit chilly outside, so I spent the afternoon and evening reading, drinking coffee and enjoying the sunset from my tent.
View from the tent, could be worse!

Sun setting after another great day in the hills

Looking back on Snowdon
Moelwyn Mawr must be one of my favourite hills. The ascent might be called boring, a grassy, pathless slope that seems to go on and on. But once you reach the summit, you can see  (weather permitting) Snowdon, the Glyders, the Carneddau, the Irish Sea, the Rhinogs, Cnight, Y Llethr... in short, the whole of Snowdonia. Even better is the descent to Moelwyn Fach, a rocky crest, before you descend into the valley of Blaenau Ffestiniog, a town that seems grey even in sunshine.

Moelwyn Mawr
And then came the hill-fog. You can't see much further than 50m, and the fog seems to quiet the surroundings as well, so you're world is limited to that small bubble around you. There's no wind, no path, no people. It feels a bit like diving in the great blue, where you can't see the bottom or can't make out any direction just by looking. I'm still in doubt if this feels eerie, or like a comforting blanket.

View from the tent, could be better!
The last few k's I follow a dry-stone wall, and start imagining how much work this must cost. Sure, there are plenty of rocks for grabs, but still...

During the final section, just before the final descent to Barmouth, I get a text about the terrorist attacks in Brussels. It's hard to imagine people blowing themselves up because of their believes when I'm so close to Nature.

I spend the last days of this trip, which in my experience started in January, with my sister and her family, showing my nephew how to climb trees and making my niece laugh. Life be good!